Metro Radness or Madness
Sunday rider Mike Hoder leaves the rink the “hard” way. This isn’t really just a gap to flat, he had to clear the glass, but not smack his head on the top of the tunnel. Rumors had that he wanted to do it again, but the beast shut it down.
Well here I go again, I never said I was smart, it was everyone else. I couldn’t think of anything new to do and I just learned how to get into crossfooted stuff. So why not combine it with something I already know, right! I didn’t pull it, but a little more height and some extra head turn, who knows! I was happy just walking a way because I kept raking my shin across the top tube when I would crash.
The Story
There are many names I could call the Metro Jam, some are the Metro Traffic Jam or the Metrosexual Jam. Whatever you want to call it, I was still going to go, so Adam Banton met up with me in Seattle and we were off. This is the 3rd year for the event in Vancouver and it couldn’t be any better. If you have never been to Vancouver, please do yourself a favor and go. I don’t think you will be disappointed.
I really don’t feel like giving a complete run down of the tricks that went down, but I will just give an abbreviated version. Dave Osato did a three-whip bunnyhop into the snowplow, Gary Young almost double whipped out of the wall ride, Brian Kachinsky toothpicked the fence and Morgan Wade whipped to fufanu on the sub rail. Hell there is so much that went down! The box jump was the best because it made today’s staple tricks difficult. Only a few people whipped it and Morgan Wade was the only 720.
It was most unfortunate for myself because the rails were sticky, again! That sucks because there was a lot of people who could have thrown down some stuff. Caleb Rucker over grinded to hop back over on the double kink. Davey Watson was working on a lot of stuff, but who knows what could have been done. Aaron Ross 180ed out mid way down the kinker. Josh Harrington gapped to hangover toothpick which was nuts because it was so far. I ended up opposite hangover toothpick to crankslide on the lower section of the kinker. Good stuff went down, but again who knows. We will just have to wait for the Vans rail contest after Interbike.
It is so weird that I think nothing else could be done after qualifying, but I am always wrong. The last group of Gary Young, Morgan Wade, Alistair Witton and Josh Harrington was INSANE! I was thinking alright what else can be done and they showed me. Please do yourself a favor and go witness this next time! You won’t be disappointed!
Josh Harrington won the contest and best trick with a manual to barspin onto the rail. While, Dave Osato won best trick during the contest with a three-whip bunnyhop into the snowplow. And I hate flying on holidays when all my friends are barbecuing.