New Prototypes Arrive!
Well I am really excited to say that the second batch of prototype frames have come in. Here are some photos of the frames when they arrived at the shop. By now, almost every team rider at this time should have one in there possession, so expect bike checks to come in real soon, mine will probably be up in a day or so.
In this second batch, you will see an imprint of the Sunday logo on the ends of the chain and seat stays and a different shape of the dropout. These also have the shorter rear ends(13.75″) and some minor touches to the head and downtube. The production colors are chosen, so you will see green, red and gray. If you look hard enough you might see a black frame, but those are in really limited supply. In fact, it is so limited you won’t even see it until Ian sends his bike check in. The frames should be done at the end of March and at the shops by the end of April.