Time flies news update

Okay, so it has been awhile since the last update, but that is because so much has been going on. The final production frame samples are on their way here. There was 151 comments about the names of the new bars and if anyone guessed Tudor Bar then you were right. I had to keep it in line with the rest of the other bars being that their names have something to do with former shop names and Tudor was the bar where the name Sunday came from. We were at a show and couldn’t think of anything except Spanish names. Domingo is Spanish for Sunday, but that didn’t seem right. We thought what about Sunday and the rest is history.

Here is some info on what the team is up to:

Jim Cielencki-Well, I am trying new ways to prevent myself from going insane from doing the shop and bike company, but it really isn’t working. If anybody has any suggestions, please comment. Actually, it hasn’t been too bad because I was given more time from being hurt. It is either a severely bruised heal or a broken foot suffered from the Backyard Jam in October. It is feeling better, but it really isn’t that good. A few insoles and landing with my right foot first is my medication right now.

Vinnie Sammon-Is in New York waiting for the Animal Video premier on December 19th.

Ian Schwartz-Is riding in California, getting footage and hanging out with his girlfriend. He is only there a week, but is missing some of the busy season in his bike messenger job. Ian has a bunch of good clips in the newest Shook titled “We are Everywhere”.

Eli Platt-Speaking of clips, Eli also has a bunch of clips in the same Shook in fact they both are on the same trip. Eli is currently finishing up his philosphy degree. So congradulate him on that next time you see him.

Mike Hoder-What can you say about Mike? He is probably jumping something real big as we speak. He has a check out in the newest issue of RideBMX and is currently doing rails without the need for pegs.

Karl Poynter-Karl is going on a Shook road trip that is leaving tomorrow for the midwest somewhere. On this trip, he is trying to film his bio in a week and it will come out in the next issue called “It’s On”.

Joe Mike
The Sunday International team is growing quickly. First, in the UK, Joe Cox and Mike Taylor have joined the team. Joe has an amazing section and is the creator of the UK street video Voices which should be available in the US real soon at EmpireBMX. Mike is probably one of the more underrated and unknown riders around. I have seen him do stuff that other riders haven’t stepped to yet and it has been 2 years. Incidently, both of these photos are poached from myspace.

Photo Pierre Mandt
Photo Unknown
Second, in Germany both Dominik Wrobel and Christian Ziegler are riding for Sunday. Dominik does WoozyBMX fulltime which doesn’t seem to slow down the riding. Christian tears it up on everything and I can’t wait to meet him in Estonia!