Mini Team Update

Here is a mini update on what is going on with the team, it is basically news from who I talked with over the last day or so!

Ian Schwartz-Is on his way to California or actually he is already there by now. He went out to film for the new Lotek video and get out of the winter in Ohio. If you didn’t know, Ian is on Lotek now.

Jim Cielencki-I am off to Estonia for the POP Session Winter Bash 2006. You can actually see the live broadcast over the internet on the contest’s website. It isn’t suppose to be just a little webcam video, but the actual video that they play on the big screens at the event. The time difference from Estonia to the east coast is about 7 hours, so go check the schedule on the website and subtract 7 hours. Then tune to the site at that time and check out the event. It should actually be interesting because the course is built for skating too.

Mike Hoder-Is patiently waiting for his new frame to arrive. He is going on a Shook trip from NYC to Miami sometime in February, so be on the lookout for that.