Team Update 2/4/06

It has been awhile since I have last updated the news, basically it has been really busy up here. We have had the warmest January in 56 years! So everyone has been outside a lot lately enjoying the snow free winter. Okay let’s start the news and we will start with me.

Jim-Well there hasn’t been an update in a little while because I was down in Florida at the Tampa Am(skateboarding) watching one of my shop skaters in the contest. Also, while we were down there we went to Orlando to go check out Mesh Skatepark for the first time and go to Outspoken Bike Shop. Both were awesome to say the least! Some bad luck kept him from entering Tampa Am and some more bad luck caused me to leave my computer, camera and shuffle on the airport shuttle bus. Then after putting my bike together, I neglected to tighten my front wheel enough, so this happens. Either way from bad comes good and the black eye hasn’t kept me off my bike.

Vinnie-He went out to California with Edwin to film for the new Skavenger video, no deadline for this one, but hopefully this year. He got one of the new prototypes and here is what it looks like. I am fond of the purple, looking good to me!

Mike Hoder-He is in NYC for a month babysitting the couch at Vinnie’s house awaiting the start of the Shook trip to Miami. Hopefully it will all work out! Mike has been a traveling man before this trip he was in Cali threeing one of Jeremy Wray’s spots. If you know skateboarding then you might be able to guess what I am talking about, but all I have to say is one try. Speaking of 360s, did anyone see the new Dig with Rob Dolecki’s sequence of Mike’s Brooklyn Banks gap?

Ian-Recently got back from California, he called me when it was cold here and said he was hanging out on the beach. I was thinking thanks a lot, but atleast he got some sun. You can see Ian on the cover of the newest Dan’s catalog doing something. I don’t know what because I don’t really get them too much.

Eli-Hanging out in Columbus going to school, I misspoke in a previous update saying that he graduate when in actuallity he just finish up all the major courses and just has to get the electives out of the way.

Karl-Also, hanging out at home wating for the good weather to return. He will be heading up to Buffalo to hang out on his way up to Metro.

Oh, check out Woozy!

That is all the team news for now! Some product news is that in a month or so, new colors of forks and bars should be available including the new Tudor Bar. Also, this will include 990 mounted forks! The frames are looking as if they will be arriving somewhere around the end of April. I am just finishing up some of the final touches on the packing today.

Some sad news out of California, the famous little LA High rail has been removed to curtail skateboarding. But in some good news even more flat rails have been built near my house.