
Okay, so it has been a bit since our last update. Between the Padded Cell road trip throughout the UK to Interbike in Las Vegas, things have been very busy. Speaking of Padded Cell, Darren from Manmade Clothing created a trailer for the trip video, see it here! The trip will be made into a free video by Sunday’s own Joe Cox and will be found in an upcoming issue of Ride UK. Sunday was well represented on the trip with Ian Schwartz, Mike Taylor, Joe Cox and myself being on it. Also, Joe Cox was nominated for NORA Cup Video Part of the Year for his part in ‘Voices’.

Check out my bike check below, notice the downtube! More later!

Here is a photo of what Mike Hoder’s bike looks like today!

This is the frame that Ian Schwartz is riding at the moment. Please take notice that the chrome on this frame costs an extra $150, so it will most likely not ever be available. Sorry for the teasing!