Vinnie Sammon Signature Colorway!
Here it is, the Vinnie Sammon Signature Sunday! color way. The frame is Metallic Black and features a Vinnie Signature Sticker set. Vinnie has Jersey pride so there is no reason the frame shouldn’t reflect that. Toptube sticker is a play off an old pizzerias table cloth. Head tube badge has the Jersey outline and a bit of that Italian flair. The collage of numbers near the BB are all New Jersey area codes, 201 is the area Vinnie reps.
The frame should arrive soon and will be available mid to late April. It will come in all 4 lengths in the Brake version and 20.5, 21 in the Brakeless version. So contact your favorite shop and tell them to call Blackout, QBP or SBS because this stuff is coming in. See the Contact page for a list of all our International Distributors.
Brake Version: 20″, 20.5″, 21″ and 21.25″
Brakeless: 20.5″ and 21″