Introduction: Alex Magallan
Ok, most of you won’t know Alex Magallan, but you might have seen his part in the video Nobody Special which covers the Nashville scene. From street to ramps, Alex has a handle on all of it. I can guarantee you will want to see more of Alex in the future. Alex just got on the Sunday flow team and here is his introduction…
Name Alex A. Magallan
Age 20
Hometown Cashville, TN.
Click here to read the interview
Okay, so you are new to a lot of people, tell us something funny about your hometown?
Every kid in the Nashville area jocks Nathan Williams steez.
What’s Nashville like? Is the stereotype that you own cowboy boots and listen to country music all the time?
Its pretty chill, southern town. Yet it really has been growing alot over the past couple of years.Pretty much you can find me every thursday night at Silverados, square dancing and mackin on the ratty cow girls! Jk
I only ask that because the last time I was there I was in a serious discussion about country music. Does that happen all the time? (joking)
Theres some die hard country music loving people around these parts. I guess it just depends on where you hang out at.
Back to riding, how did you get into riding? And when was that?
My pops got me in to racing when I was about 7. Thats about 13 years ago, 1994.
Do you have a preference to type of riding?
I prefer street, parks are fun on certain days. Trails are good times too,but there scarces around this area.
What’s your highest air on a vert ramp?
Not sure
So you have a wild video part in Chris’s Mahafee’s video Nobody Special, how long did you film for that and do you like filming?
Chris and I filmed off and on for a few years. Alot of that footage was really old, long hair skin tight jeans.I like filming ,cause it pushes me to step up and get something done.
Was there any trick in there that you were especially excited about pulling or took you awhile that when you pulled it you were more stoked?Probably the first clip, it took a million tries and was siked in the end.There was actually quite of few clips excited about.
I’m really a fan of the feeble up the rail to hard 180 and the overgrind back over down a rail. How long did those take?
Thanks, the up rail hard 180 probaly took the longest to film, but it was well worth it. Over grind back over took about 5or6 attempts.
I actually had to do it multiple times.
You qualified for the Dew Tour for the Orlando stop. How did that work and did you have fun down there?
It was an expierence, the competition was not to fun. I ended up wrecking right off the bat. The highlight was raging with C Moore through the downtown streets of Orlando. I’m pretty sure Chad bought a drink for Ryan Sheklers mom.
Did you drink many Mountain Dews?
Not really
Okay let’s get away from riding and go in to the myspace interests
Favorite movie
Home Alone 1and 2, Trainspotting
Favorite bands/music
Tom Petty, WEBBIE
People you’d like to meet
Justin Carroll and Ben Williams
Favorite spot you’ve ever ridden
Athens, GA good street
Favorite riding experience
Corpus Christi Freedom expierience Demos
Favorite non riding experience
Meg and I on are NYC journey.
Now let’s say thanks to anyone you want to and anyone who has helped you?
Mom for being supportive of my riding and taking care of me through the years. Chris M. for always ready to shred and clock some footy. My dad for getting me in the game. Also my big brother Nathan Magallan that keeps me in line when im stuntin to hard.The hole T.S. crew, Brian Osborne and Jim C. at Sunday bikes.
All riding photos by Andrew White and the others by Nathan Williams!
And this video just in from Cody York’s EXPN blog!!!!