Introduction: Josh Betley
Josh Betley is the latest Sunday flow team Introduction. I first met Josh at Interbike and instantly I realized how dynamic of a person he is. He’s motivated, energetic, fun and confident while his riding is exactly the same way and you can add really good to that too. So here’s Josh…..
Name: Josh Betley, Coach, J-Bone, Betlewski or even Bone Saw
Age: old enough to party
Hometown: Phoenix Arizona
Years riding: 7 almost 8
Click here to read Josh’s interview
Okay tell me about the Arizona scene.
We didn’t have any legal parks or central set of dirt jumps, so for years there was just tons of kids riding with their buddies where they could, be it street or their own trails or even some of the illegal parks if you could sneak session in. Now parks we can legally ride are popping up and people are coming together. Overall it’s good, I’m proud to call this place home.
What’s your favorite part of it?
My favorite part is the fact we can ride basically year round any terrain you want to with the coolest people ever.
What’s your favorite park in AZ?
Freestone skatepark in Gilbert. It’s illegal but its the park I grew up riding, it will always be my favorite
The most obvious Arizona question is…how do you deal with the heat during the summer?
Well, you just gotta man up I guess. I love summer because all the parks are empty and we have some awesome near heat stroke sessions. Feels like you’re riding with the devil.
I’ve been to the White Walls a bunch of times, are those things still there? I’ve heard tons of rumors.
As far as I know yes, but don’t tell anybody.
What’s the most random obstacle you’ve ridden in Arizona that you haven’t seen anywhere else?
Over the years I’ve seen some crazy spots come and go. Giant metal quarterpipes, a sewer pipe that makes a perfect volcano, slanted curved wall ride, curved wall to curved wall in the shape of an “S,” No one has pulled it yet but the spot is absolutely unreal, crazy ditches, basically all of Tucson, we really do have some epic spots.
I was watching footage of you from an Odyssey trip out there and you have a large bag of tricks including ramps, parks, street and flatland stuff. Tell me about being able to ride all aspects of riding.
Thanks Jim! The flatland stuff comes from getting burnt out on 180’s during front yard sessions. And then having a hand in different sorts of riding is probably because I’ve always looked up to riders like Van Homan, and Josh Harrington who kill everything and I’ve always respected that.
Is there an aspect of riding that is more of a favorite to you?
Street is the most fun right now. Pillage and Plunder.
3 random people’s questions
Have you ever had Absinth in Czech Republic? If so, tell the story. (question by Kyle Carlson)
This summer we took a tourist trip to Europe and hit all the hot spots. Prague was a must and a when in Prague you have to try the real legit absinth since its the only place you can get it. Basically the night went something like this, go to the bar in our hostel, drink a few glass, meet some dudes from Scotland, drink a few more, go to a bar made entirely of car parts, sit down at a table, watch Kyle start puking, chill for a minute and realize that Kyle is passed out, carry him out of the club and all the way back to the hostel, show up to the hostel to greet our Australian roommate mid thrust, walk right past them, call him Cameron a few times, his name was Ian, pass out, wake up in my vomit.
If you could bite anyone’s style and tricks free from guilt or message board ridicule, and skill not being an issue, who would it be and why?(question by Drew Hosselton)
Wow, there’s so many good options here, Corey Bohan, Mike Aitken, Danny Hickerson, Sean Sexton, Josh Harrington, Dennis Enarson, Corey Martinez, Gary Young and probably Dave Mirra but I’m going to go with Garret Reynolds. The reason is he’s just the dude who can do everything and make it all look good. Plus he’s still young so I cant even imagine what he’s going to be doing in a few years. Van Homan would be my choice number 2, he’s been my favorite rider forever.
Butter side up or butter side down?(question by Rocky Canelas)
I like cream cheese
What’s your favorite trick you’ve seen get done recently?
Pro or not pro. Jeremy the weed man Sawyer did the most insane rail hop and broke his cranks. That and James Foster’s truck to downside whip is magical
What’s your favorite youtube video?
That would be grape lady.
Who’s got the best style you’ve seen?
I guess the obvious answer here is Aitken or Bohan but on street I’d have to say Dakota Roche and Sean Sexton.
What’s your favorite thing to ride?
Right now I’m really feelin bump jumps. I feel like I’m 12 years old again just riding super fast into a curb and hitting the boost button. Ever since the discovery of the bump jumps I’ve gone back to old spots and they are like new again. It’s the best!
What’s your favorite place you’ve ridden?
FDR skatepark in Philly and The Minersville trails are the two places that stand out to me as the best spots ever.
Trick you have trouble doing?
I can’t do a barspin to footjam if my life depended on it. It makes me so sad.
Words to live by?
Keep it real.
Any thanks?
The people I ride with, the people I live with, friends, family, the mexican restraunt los favoritos, puns, kitties, hot girls, the internet, Kyle Carlson, Will Stroud, K.C. Badger, Drew Hosselton, Mark Loesy, Nike 6.0, Vital Bmx, Aaron Nardi and Cerbae, Big thanks to Jim Bauer and Odyssey, CarlsonCo., Global Bikes bike shop, Ryan at Kore, Bo-vice, Arizona and Iced Coffee at McDonalds even though McDonalds is the worst.
Here is a some footage of Josh, look for more in the upcoming Odyssey video Electronical and in the new Sunday video tentatively titled ‘Footage Party’