Last Wednesday was the Odyssey premier in Los Angeles, it was a super fun night with so many people coming out to watch. Both myself and Aaron Ross had full parts and Josh Betley shared a part. Just want to say thanks to Chad Shack, Will Stroud and Jim Bauer along with everyone at Odyssey for making such a great night and awesome video. Look for more random photos below!!!
A few of my Electronical premier photos!
Chad Shack and Will Stroud doing their Fuel TV interviews with the girl from Playboy. Chad looks as if he has more important things to do like figure out which bank to rob.
Kevin MacAvoy, Chad Shack and myself in the VIP section. Which really just amounted to a great place to watch the view and eat Mike Aitken’s birthday cake.
Umm cake! This cake was amazing and Matt Berringer could be seen leaving the place with chocolate fingers at the end of the night.
Matt Berringer came out to the premier in prom attire. His chocolate fingerprints could be spotted all the way to the bathroom and out the door by the end of the night. Matt’s ender was pretty damn good especially since I was there to watch it happen. Miami rules!
Ah the wonderful Playboy model, too bad Hugh Hefner didn’t make it to the show to watch his girl interview BMXers. She brought some BMX props with here, fingerless road bike gloves and a white Protec with Fox stickers on it. We were all debating what they were brought for, but somethings are just better left unanswered.
The premier was held at this art space called the RecCenter in Echo Park. It was a really unique space for a premier, it boasted two ‘screens’, a bar, VIP section and a place for Jeff Z’s art show which benefited Mike Vincent. Here’s my name drop for the update, Taj and I put the lights behind the wall here.
A behind the scene photo, Chad Shack had to come out early to help set up. All our names were light up using Christmas lights and those things are very temperamental. I don’t know how many times lights were changed in and out of those things. It would have to be about 50 times atleast throughout the whole video. Nothing happened really with mine even though we dragged it out to Mt Baldy in the middle of the night for my intro.
Aaron Ross made it to the premier, he also made some friends and this is their photo with Aaron. I was told I had to put them on the update so here you go guys. Sunday coming through!!!
None of these photos are in any order, here is the signs being rigged up on chains. Leave to Jim Bauer to do something awesome! So the premier is over, the video is being duplicated and we’ve already talked about Electronical 2! It’s more of a joke, but you never know!