Team Tidbits!

German Sunday rider Christian Ziegler is having the grand opening of his new shop called Alliance TOMORROW March 29th in Bremen Germany. Check out his shop’s website here and its myspace right here. Christian can be seen in the new Electronical video riding the curved bench thing in Berlin!

More Germany news, Dominik Wrobel from Woozy sent us me some photos of his bike for all of us to enjoy.

Ian Schwartz has made his way back to Ohio to enjoy some of the flooding in the Ohio Valley region. Well enjoy is the wrong word to use, he got tired of it quick and headed over to San Francisco to do something with Lotek. Did you guys see Ian’s interview in the latest Ride US? Did you see his fakie hop of the MACBA big 4? Would you believe 2 tries?

My bad photo of Ian’s fakie hop.

Your’s truly is recovered in record time from 2 broken legs, I believe it was only 15 minutes. Amazing! Actually, I’m celebrating a birthday today. Can you believe 35? I know I can’t! This is a photo of the beard I grew since leaving Barcelona in January. It was trimmed moments after the photo was shot. Check out my shoe that’s coming out in June over at the Beloe site!

Self Portrait

Aaron Ross is recovering from an Austin to California roadtrip. He ended up separating his shoulder pretty good, so he’s going to take it easy for another week or so. Hope its a speedy recovery. In his frame news, drawings are done and submitted, so we should see a prototype real soon.

Aaron moments before going to the LA Electronical premier.

Did anyone see Kurt Rasmusson in the new ODI video online? Then there’s this other one where he tears up SF. What about Kurt’s opposite feeble to feeble sequence in the Sunday in Barcelona article in the newest Ride US? Guess what Ian and Kurt have in common? If you guessed second try then you’d be right! Look for it in the Sunday video!

Kurt prepared for the day in Barcelona.