Jim Cielencki update!
Not sure if everyone remembers, but I had my ankle scoped back in early April. The surgery went fine, the crutches were toleratable, but the physical therapy took way too long. My doctor said it could be 6 months and I didn’t believe him, but he was right. So, after 4.5 months of not really being able to ride, my ankles are feeling healthy enough to start riding at a normal level. So to celebrate I jumped my car for my street’s block party! Went too fast and landed flat way past the car. This was just a few moments before the rain began to pour down on the party.
Its perfect timing being healthy again, the Sunday video is going strong. Ian Schwartz, Alex Magallan and Jake Seeley are in and around Ohio and Pennsylvania right now filming. Aaron Ross, Ian Schwartz and myself are meeting up with Mike Taylor and Joe Cox in the UK next week. And even cooler is that my shoe is officially out from Beloe Footwear. Check the photo and their website for more info. Its going to be a busy fall from new frames, new riders to videos and hockey season. I can’t wait!