Stephen Savage Update!


Stephen Savage spent a month over here in the USA.  We set him up with the blue Second Wave kit that he is riding in the photo.  This replaces the original Second Wave prototype that he’s been riding since June of 2008.  That might have been the most traveled Sunday frame out there.  Either way Stephen’s back home in South Africa and he sent me this photo along with a description of the spot.  Here is what he said,

“This spot is one of my favourite spots in Cape Town. You have to roll down this hill to a blind corner and as you carve to get to the back you have to hop a pavement.  Its crazy and sketchy and if you fall on this back its like a cheese grater!  But that’s what makes it so fun!  There are always these little neighbourhood kids hanging around.  Its chaos!  I had to ask some lady to move her car so I could ride it and she was like “with pleasure”.  Such a cool area, i love Cape Town!”

Stephen couldn’t have described it more perfect.  The setup, the situation and everything else around it can make a spot and trick seem that much more amazing.  This might be favorite update in awhile.  Wayne Rieche shot this photo!  Great photo!