Funday PRO testing!
On Saturday, I went down to Austin to check out some of the Sunday complete samples that had arrived at the office. The day went smoothly, but then everyone wanted to go to Ramp Ranch to ride. Unfortunately, I didn’t bring my bike due to it being a short trip. Well, since I’m really excited about the new bikes especially the Funday PRO, I decided to just ride that bike at the skatepark. I’ll be honest and say that I felt shaky at first, due to it having different bars than I’m use to, plus, the small 13.25 inch rear end was something I had never ridden before. But after a ninja drop, everything started to work for me. Nothing crazy went down, but we did get the clip above. Check out the other one after the jump. Not bad for a $655 bike! Look for Sunday completes available at the end of February!