Enter the Wave!

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It’s all fun and games,
till someone dents their down tube.

With bikes getting lighter and lighter, a lot of weight savings come from butted down tubes. Couple that with harder street riding than ever before and you have a problem. With material shaved from the area where you tend to hit your frame, you have created an area prone to dents. Denting your down tube may not ruin your bike at the moment, but the frame has been irreversibly damaged. Look at most frames with a cracked head tube weld and you will probably find a dented down tube. Enter the Wave.

The butted Wave tubing used in Sunday frames has been proven to make your frame last longer. Fight the dents and extend the life of your frame enormously. Some say it looks ugly. Some love it. Regardless of your opinion on looks, it’s pretty safe to say this is one of the strongest frames ever made. New for 2010 is an all new top tube to compliment the down tube. The 3rd Wave frame has a Wave top tube to further protect your investment. The 3rd Wave, Funday and Forecaster frames all have the Cable Channel top tube shape that stiffens the tube and hides the brake cable should you choose to use one. Your choice of brakes is complimented by the Vanishing Points removable brake bosses on every frame. The Vanishing Points are stronger when installed and smoother looking when removed than most other attempts at removable brake mounts. New features combined with proven technology and more choices makes this year’s selection of frames the best one to date.

Sunday! Aftermarket Frames. Choose wisely.

Complete Completes.

Complete bikes are bikes that come with all the parts you need to get on and ride. But is a complete really complete? The Sunday Bikes are. You have to shave cost on the lowest price model vs. the most expensive model. EVERY Sunday 20” bike comes with Wave down tubes like the top of the line aftermarket frame on the previous page. The Wave is what sets Sunday apart from other BMX bikes. We couldn’t have anyone riding a Sunday and not offer the Wave down tube, even on our most affordable version.

Complete bikes need to have every part installed and be ready to roll off the shop floor. The parts you choose to build your bike are as important as the frame. Sunday bikes have the most Odyssey® aftermarket parts when compared to bikes at a similar price. Every Sunday has Odyssey Twisted pedals. Many have Odyssey tires, rims & levers. The Funday Pro may be the most complete complete ever. Odyssey Quadrant rims, Odyssey hubs, Odyssey CFL stem, Odyssey Twombolts, Odyssey Tires, Odyssey Evolver EVO2 brakes, and more. Regardless of which model you choose, AM, EX, PRO or Model C 24”, you will have a bike backed by the same company that brings you the most technologically advanced frames in BMX. You will have a bike that is ridden by the best riders in the business.

Sunday! Completes. Choose wisely.