Tom Arkus: AZ Vacation

Tom Arkus took a break from watching the Steelers games to enjoy the warm weather of Arizona.  He twittered about all the amazing spots he was riding during the trip just to make us jealous.  Tom rides everything in this video including a rarely seen handrail from Tom.  Below are a few of his words about the trip.  Look for his red Conductor bike check coming up soon!

Arizona is one of my favorite winter get aways. The riding is premium, so is the weather. I try my hardest to make it out at least once a year to spend some time with my friend Chase Zink. Not to mention all the other friends that I get to hang out with. This video was filmed in about 6 days. The riding schedule was pretty serious. We would wake up really early some days to get some runs in the parks that don’t let bikes in.  I hope this motivates you to go out and shred.

Check out Tom in the PA Tour video