Sunday in Texas Shop tour!

If you live in Austin, Dallas and San Antonio then you will have a chance to meet Gary Young, Aaron Ross, Garrett Reeves, Mike Gonzalez, Alex Magallan, Jim Cielencki and Eric Lichtenberger this weekend.  We have a bunch of stuff to give out from Sunday, Flick Trix and ARMA Energy Snax.  Check below for the dates, locations and times.

Saturday February 26th     2-4 pm
Buck’s Bikes
12530 Research Blvd
Austin, TX 78759
(512) 250-9550

Sunday February 27th     1-3pm
Richardson Bike Mart
1451 W. Campbell RD
Richardson, TX 75080
(972) 231-3993

Monday February 28th   4-6pm
Action Bikes
1645 Pat Booker Rd #111
University City, TX 78148
(210) 657-0144