Attention Bike Shops!

Full Factory Distribution is now pre-booking the new 2012 Sunday Complete Bike line up.  If you are a bike shop then give the FF guys a shout today to hear about the new bikes.  Get your order in quick because they will sell out. So much good stuff in these! Still the most complete complete bikes in BMX! Three years running!  Info only available to bike shops.  Check below for info on this stem.

This is the only sneak shot photo I could give you from the new bikes.  It’s the new Freeze OEM stem that will come on all the completes.  Alex Magallan and myself have been testing this stem since February.  Alex’s Props Owned video section will be filmed using this stem.  I jumped the Mega Ramp using it as well.  I’m not sure how many companies would feel confident enough to allow their riders to be using the SAME stem that comes on their cheapest completes.  This stem will only be found on Sunday completes and is not available on any other complete bikes.  Anothe pic after the break.