Sunday Friends: Sean Groce

Sean Groce comes at you with one of the best Sunday Friends ever.  He just built up the Eric Lichtenberger/ Foxtrot green Forecaster with matching Morning 2.1 forks and chrome Triumph XL bars.  I have to say that the pedal color really looks good on this bike.  Good job Sean!  Check the parts list after the break.

Sean Groce’s Parts List

Frame:  Sunday Forecaster
Fork:  Sunday Morning 2.1
Stem:  Sunday Freeze
Headset:  Odyssey
Bars:  Sunday Triumph XL
Brake Lever:  Odyssey Monolver
Grips:  Animal Edwin
Cable:  Odyssey Linear
Brakes:  Odyssey EVO II
Seat:  Odyssey Senior 2
Seat Post:  Sunday Toothy Post
Clamp:  Odyssey Mr. Clampy
Cranks:  Odyssey Thunderbolts
Pedals:  Odyssey Twisted PC
Sprocket:  Odyssey C-512
Chain:  Shadow
Tires:  Odyssey Aitken (front), Path (rear)
Rims:  G-Sport
Front Hub:  G-Sport Marmoset
Rear Hub:  G-Sport Ratchet
Pegs:  G-Sport Plegs