2013 Bonus Bikes…sorta

Here’s the first of the 2013 Sunday Bonus Bikes….well sorta.  All this weekend we will be releasing 1 bike a day and to see the bike you will have to rearrange the pieces of the puzzle.  Just to make it sweeter, the first 20 people to solve the Bonus Bike puzzle will be entered into a drawing to win a Pachyderm Backpack full of goodies worth over $200. Winner will be announced the next day!  Just follow the directions below…

Bonus Bike Puzzle Directions

  1. Download the image or print out a hardcopy.
  2. Solve the puzzle by cutting/pasting the pieces or use Photoshop to make a digital copy. (Accept digital or hardcopy images)
  3. Take a photo and post it on your Instagram.
  4. Tag @sundaybikes and hashtag #sundaybonusbikes (This must happen to be seen)
  5. Cross your fingers!