Bonus Bike Puzzle #3!
This one is a bit trickier, but here is the last of the 2013 Sunday Bonus Bikes. All this weekend we have been releasing a bike a day, but in puzzle form. If you solve this Bonus Bike puzzle you will be entered into a drawing to win a Pachyderm Backpack full of goodies worth over $200. Winner will be announced the next day! Just follow the directions below…
Bonus Bike Puzzle Directions
- Download the image or print out a hardcopy.
- Solve the puzzle by cutting/pasting the pieces or use Photoshop to make a digital copy. (Accept digital or hardcopy images)
- Take a photo and post it on your Instagram.
- Tag @sundaybikes and hashtag #sundaybonusbikes (This must happen to be seen)
- Cross your fingers!
2013 Bonus Bikes 1 and 2
Jake Seeley Emergency Broadcaster | Garrett Reeves Acid Drop EX