Mark Burnett / Take Your Time
Here it is. We are starting off 2018 with something huge. Shadow Rider Mark Burnett has been traveling, working his ass off, and collecting footage for two years to create this edit with filmer Ryan Chadwick. Enjoy and here are a few words from Mark himself about his experience with Chadwick:
“I met Chadwick when I was 14. I was a skeletal version of who I am today. Imagine hand-picking a 14 year old kid to accompany a group of 20-somethings on the road as a 26 year old man. How do you do that? If you tried to discipline me at that age I probably would’ve told you to, “suck it” or something along those lines. Maturity isn’t something I had perfected quite yet. He invited me to his home. He shared his friends. He educated me on the delicacy of the Cornish pasty and then because of him I was able to eat a pasty in the streets of Cornwall. On numerous occasions he has conquered the world with me, waiting patiently while I deplete myself trying tricks hundreds of times over the course of many hours. When I do something sub par he will be the first to tell me, but he also understands when I do something 6 times because the last 5, “just didn’t feel right.” I film now as well, and I know how easy it is to get frustrated behind the lens as well as on the bike. The relationship between filmer and rider has to be just right and I think we’ve found that with each other. It’s not easy knowing that this will be our last project for a while, but I sure am proud to let our saga rest here.”
Filmed By: Ryan Chadwick
Edited By: Mark Burnett