Vinnie Sammon stolen bike check!
Well this is one strange way of getting a bike check photo! The story goes like this, I’ve been trying to get a photo of Vinnie Sammon’s bike for sometime now because he is testing out the shaved headtube. Which incidentally works just fine, but that’s another topic. Ok, so we weren’t able to get the photo until Vinnie’s bike got stolen. It was basically stolen right in front of his eyes, but it happened so quick that he couldn’t do anything about it.
Now you’re wondering how do you get a photo of a bike that’s stolen? Well, when a bike gets stolen, it usually gets sold relatively quickly or completely disassembled in order to hide the parts origin. Well luckily the first scenario happend and it was sold completely intact without the ghetto primer grey paint job either.
If it wasn’t for the guys in the photo I would never have these photos, the bike check out or this great story. So thanks to Juni on the left for buying the bike, Courtney on the right for realizing what’s going on and Ed from Ed’s Bike Shop in the middle for running a kick ass shop in Vineland, NJ! The funny thing is that Ed and I go back a few years, so it was quite the coincidence that it ended up there.
Bob Scerbo and Tom White accompanied Vinnie for the drive down to Ed’s shop to retrieve his bike. Maybe Sunday locks will be in the future just as soon as I can figure out how to make them hollow or put waves on them. Just kidding!