Frostbike 08 Photos!
QBP held there annual Frostbike trade show over the weekend. I flew out after the Odyssey premier and visited Minneapolis for the first time. I cannot say enough great things about QBP. There warehouse is so impressive and their commitment to the environment is so inspiring. It was really eye opening especially since they used Spudware for the meals they served. If you want to read more about their values, check out their site here.
Brian Osborne and the Beloe
booth were right next to me which allowed me to constantly check out and scrutinize my new shoe from them. The shoe was the first time I saw my show in person and I couldn’t be more stoked. It was funny cause I could be seen shooting random photos of it through out the weekend. So you can say I’m stoked on it.
You know you’re in Minnesota when the baby carriages have skis on them! Just kidding, it was really neat to see all the ski trails, bike paths and even a ski jump in the city. I was completely impressed with the city. Even though the subway seemed really slow!
Minneapolis has a huge road bike scene, we went to this shop called One on One Saturday night for a party. There was a basement full of bikes probably numbering in the 100s. We spent a good amount of time peering through the endless piles for random bikes. There was all these awesome old road bike race even posters like the one above. And there was a Hutch GPV hanging from the ceiling. If you thought the tight jeans trend was bad now, you should google Hutch GPV and see what it was like in the 80’s!
Here we are sampling some of the local culture. Unfortunately I couldn’t get much of the local culture down. Not sure if this was Grain Belt beer or Premium beer, either way it reminded me of Miller High Life and that brought back a lot of rough memories. Those memories included flying barbecues, a Honda Prelude and snowboarding off 2nd floor porches.
QBP gave everyone at the show these sleeves to keep you warm. They were just sleeves, no shirt which at first we thought was really lame. But after trying them on and getting rid of the feeling that I was Scott Borne, but with blue arms. They were actually pretty good, I will definitely be wearing them at the Fridge.
The show ended early on Sunday which gave me some extra time to kill while everyone else left for the airport. My flight was until Monday afternoon, so what to do? Decided to drive the 3.5 hours to Fargo because I’d never been to North Dakota. This was my last state I had to visit in the continental US. I made it up there in 4 hours, hit the Starbucks and headed back.
road the whole time. At times the wind slowed, I’d over steer and head towards the side of the road,This was not one of my brighter moves, luckily the weather held out until I got back to Minneapolis. Thirty mile per hour winds blew against me the whole ride up. There was clear skies, but snow blew across the so you had to be on your guard. The road home was great, the tail wind got me up to 95mph at times and I made it back in just over 3 hours. It was 1 degree in Fargo, just check out the photo of me while I pumped gas.
Yesterday after getting up, there was still 6 hours to do something in Minneapolis, so like any true blooded American I went to the Mall. This isn’t any ordinary mall, this was the Mall of America! After fighting for parking, I ventured in to realize that it was President’s day and every kid had the day off. All the rides had huge lines, so I didn’t get a turn at them. Just shot a few pictures, check out the roll in on the right photo. Crazy! Well after going to the H&M of America, the Starbuck’s of America, the Gap of America and Barnes and Noble of America I was off for the airport. Little did I know that I would have my flight canceled in Chicago. If I would’ve know, I’d just stayed at the mall.