Tom Davis on UK Sunday Team!Tom Davis has been riding for Sunday in the UK through IMG Distribution for a few months now.  With the help of Will Evans, we are introducing him to you in this Welcome to the UK Sunday Team video!  Tom’s been working super hard lately, filming and shooting photos, so be on the look out […]
  Reed Stark at Lake Owen!Reed Stark spent some time at Lake Owen this summer and filmed this edit.  Super good lines, clean style and the ability to make it all look easy is a good way to describe this video. This was filmed and edited by the super creative Arik Elstran.
  Crankslides with Jim C.So, you want to learn crankslides?  Well watch this video and learn how to do them.  Let me give you some major pointers first. Ride absolutely parallel with the rail.  If you have any momentum going into the rail then chances are you will go over the bars. Learn to stall the trick on a […]
  Sunday Factory Test Pilots!Sunday has taken some big steps in 2010, we introduced our Sunday Funday complete bike line.  The goal was to make the most complete completes that have functional modern geometry featuring low bb heights and a short 13.25″ rear end length.  This makes the bikes easily adaptable and rideable right out of the box.  Our […]
  Quick Clip: Alex MagallanHere’s Alex Magallan‘s handy work in this photo-sequence that’s been turned into a video clip by Scott Marceau.  Two hop overs, two double peg grinds and a manual in grass gives you another reason why Alex is such a shredder on a bike!  Check out more photos from Scott at his website
  Australia as seen in Nano-vision!Jake Seeley is the man begin the “lens” on this one.  Sunday tour of Australia filmed all with an Apple Ipod Nano, Jake is able to easily capture funny and random moments from the Sunday Australia tour from a month ago.  Not the greatest quality, but the content makes up for that.  The song is […]
  Australia Video!About a month ago, most of the Sunday team went down to Australia to visit a few shops, ride some skateparks, hit up some street and get punched by a kangaroo. We drove all over the east coast, from Melbourne to Brisbane and back again. Our adventure took us from scorching heat to torrential rain […]
  Lee Dennis in ATX!Canada‘s Lee Dennis is one of the toughest and nicest guys in BMX.  He posses amazing bike control and does it all with an effortless and casual approach.  Having a relaxed style is a great attribute.  This video is of his trip down to Austin in January.  He ended up taking a very tough crash […]
  Alex M: ATX Edit!Ohhhhh yeah! Here we go with another set of awesome Alex Magallan clips. These were filmed during his stay in Austin, Texas and it has everything from tech lines to big gaps and sometimes a mixture of both. Thanks to Tom Arkus over at Vinyl BMX for putting this edit together!
  Seth Peterson Video!Check out this new Seth Peterson edit which was filmed last summer in between his injuries.  He has an interesting mix of tricks that range from unique tricks that most people don’t do all the way up to tech bangers.  You’ll be able to notice this in this edit.  I’m a big fan of the […]
  Ian Schwartz UU&A, Part 2!Here’s part 2 of Ian Schwartz’s amazing Up, Up and Away section!  Definitely a section that will stand the test of time!  BMX will miss his unique view on spots, bikes and tricks.  Enjoy!
  Ian Schwartz UU&A Downloads!There’s a lot of subtlety in Ian’s riding that makes everything he does look so effortless. His Up Up & Away section was no exception. He collected so much good footage that it ended up being split into two sections for the DVD release. Above is the first section and you can download it to […]