Sunday Aussie TourErik Elstran, Chris Childs, and Brett Silva spent two weeks living in a plush RV traveling about Australia, riding, and enjoying all this beautiful country has to offer. Massive thanks to BMX International for making our trip possible, all the rad locals we met, and to all the awesome shops we hit along the way: […]
  Alec Siemon / Welcome to Sunday ProSunday is proud to welcome Alec Siemon to the pro team. There’s no question Alec deserves the bump – his recent Sunday video was mind blowing, everybody on the team loves him, he reps Sunday hard, and you won’t believe what he’s filmed so far for Odyssey vs Sunday. Chilling with Alec is nonstop laughs, […]
  ODYSSEY vs SUNDAY / VX Edit #1Odyssey and Sunday are proud to present the first of four monthly VX videos filmed and edited by our incredibly multitalented team riders while out at the Odyssey vs Sunday house.
  ODYSSEY vs SUNDAY / An IntroductionGet ready, Odyssey vs Sunday is underway now. Which team will win a trip anywhere in the world?
  GROW UP / CreditsWe hope you've enjoyed watching Grow Up as much as we enjoyed making it.
  GROW UP / Erik ElstranIt’s easy to see Erik Elstran is a free spirit. Take one look at whatever colorful and delightfully eccentric outfit he’s sporting at any given moment (that he probably sewed himself), and it’s pretty clear this guy isn’t trying to run with the herd. Watching him ride, it’s even easier to appreciate the breadth of […]
  GROW UP / Chris ChildsShooting with Chris Childs can be a harrowing experience. Chris pedals fast, jumps far, airs high, grinds big… there’s plenty of potential for catastrophe, but I get the sense I’m usually more concerned than he is. The word “casual” gets thrown around a lot when describing highly-skilled bike riders, but Chris is the poster boy […]
  Alec Siemon for Sunday BikesI can’t say how long we’ve been filming this because honestly I lost count after six months. Originally we were filming for a mixtape with all the homies but Ale was the only one stacking clips. So, I put the clips together one night and showed him the timeline the next day, and we went […]
  GROW UP / Mark BurnettShooting with Mark Burnett is a treat. As soon as Mark says he wants to film something, three things are already assumed: it’ll be really really hard, he’ll pull it, and it’ll be perfect. This young man is unbelievably confident on his bike and will casually fire out hyper-elaborate tech combos and the most dangerous […]
  GROW UP / Julian Arteaga, Jared Duncan, and Alec SiemonJulian Arteaga, Jared Duncan, and Alec Siemon – Sunday’s AM squad – are some crazy talented and creative bike riders who are each pushing BMX forward in their own unique way. Julian’s smooth and refined technical prowess, Jared’s uncanny ability to look like he’s not even trying, and Alec’s unprecedented tailwhip mastery are only the […]
  GROW UP / Aaron RossAaron Ross has been steady killing it as a top pro BMXer for more than a decade. That’s an impressive feat for any rider, but damn near unthinkable for someone who works as hard as Aaron. Check out his domination of the Grow Up crash trailer or his substantial contribution to the wrecks section in […]
  GROW UP / DoublesNext up we have the Grow Up doubles section. We had a lot of fun with this one, but make no mistake, some of these clips took hours to film, and there were some really close calls. I’m gonna say it was well worth it. –Walter Pieringer