News / Videos

Vasya Lukyanenko riding satellite dishes

What an amazing set up to find!  I’m guessing our Ukrainian rider, Vasya Lukyanenko, did this legitimately because it’s a Red Bull video, but who knows. I do know that these satellite dishes are very high up in air and this would be extremely nerve wracking.

New Lee Dennis video!

Lee Dennis coming at you with smooth and fast tech street moves in his latest video entitled Lee Stuff.  Sometimes tech street stuff is done at a snail’s pace, but Lee turns it way up in this one.  Too good!

Two Flat Four

When we said our 24″ cruiser bikes could ride anything, we definitely meant it.  Joe Cicman and Danny Sirkin take 24″ cruisers into a flatland direction with their video entitled Two Flat Four.  You have to be quite tall to do a deathtruck on a 24″, but this video proves it to be possible. Check out our 24″ Model C AM complete after the break.

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Erik Elstran is too good

Erik Elstran is easily one of the most creative riders in BMX.  If his name is listed in a video, you are guaranteed to see something creative.  Just watch this video from his summer at Lake Owen Camp and enjoy.

Broadcasting Live from the Berkshires

What can you say about this video besides it’s so good!  Jake Seeley kills it in this Broadcasting Live from the Berkshires video.  He will always keep you guessing as to what moves are running through his mind.  This one is definitely worth the watch.

Check out the 2013 Jake Seeley edition Broadcaster complete bike after the break.

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Lee Dennis Primo edit

Lee Dennis comes at you with a lot of speed and tech moves in his latest Primo edit.  Usually speed and tech are not associated together, but Lee makes the connection.  Fully enjoyed this one.

Kaden Stone 1st edit at 9 yrs old

How amazing is this video?  Nine year old Kaden Stone shreds in his first ever video edit.  We made our 16″ Primer Jr/Lil’ Spark with kids like Kaden in mind.  The goal was to create a bike with a geometry that made it easier for a kid to have fun and progress on a bike.  Most 16″ bikes look out of proportion and usually have a chainstay length that is too long which hinders how easy the front end comes up.  A shorter chainstay makes it easier for a kid to maneuver the bike.  Just look at how easy Kaden rides his Primer Jr./Lil’ Spark. Check after the break for more info.
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Sunday at FFF

Ride BMX just posted their video from Ride The Plank at Fun Fun Fun Fest on their site today. Sunday flow and team riders like Aaron Ross, TJ Henderson, Will Blount, Cory Foust, Kris Marcum,Chris Hilbrich, Bobby Delaat and Jim Cielencki are heavily featured in the video.  This was a great weekend with the best backyard type ramp set up.

Canadian Vacation!

We took our second vacation of the year in Canada and it’s wonderful city of Toronto. Aaron Ross, Alex Magallan, Lee Dennis, Garrett Reeves, Jake Seeley and Erik Elstran spent over a week visiting bike shops, riding skateparks and hitting up various street spots.  Just want to say thank you to Ryder Distribution, Momentum Cycles, The Bike Zone, Bay Cycle and Backpeddling Bike Shop for the good time and hospitality. Let’s do this again!