News / Videos

Gary Young shredding!


Gary Young kills it (along with everyone else) in the latest Odyssey Vision video.  As always he’s riding super fast while picking good lines.  You might be able to notice a sneak peek of his 2012 PRO colorway.  Either way this video is so good and it makes me want to go to Oregon.

Check out Gary’s own Odyssey Vision from March after the break.

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Aaron Ross
Red Bull Ride and Seek

Aaron Ross recently went on the Red Bull Ride and Seek trip and this is the first video from it.  If it’s Red Bull then you know it’s going to be a lot of fun. Can’t wait to see the other videos.  Enjoy!

Alex Magallan
Defgrip re-up

This video came out awhile back, but it’s pure Alex Magallan.  He gives us his take on a bunch of Austin spots in this video featured on Defgrip and edited by Mike Mastroni.

Tom Arkus POV from France

Check this one out, Tom Arkus was just over in France riding trails and came back with this POV video for us all to enjoy.  Talk about amazing trails! You’d better just watch this video right now.  Go over to to see more photos and updates from Tom’s trip. Enjoy!

Sunday Team at Texas Toast

Texas Toast may have come and gone, but the fun memories are still lingering.  The weekend was so much fun, the whole PRO team came out to chill, ride and survive the hot weather.  Three out of the five people that got through the Gauntlet of Death were from the Sunday team. Gary Young, Jake Seeley and Alex Magallan all made it through. Gary continued his good weekend by winning both the curved wallride contest and the dirt jump event. It was super windy and hot, but everyone had a blast. Can’t wait for the next one. This video captures some moments of the team during the weekend.  Enjoy!

Hill bombs for breakfast?

Lee Dennis is out at Woodward West right now and just so happen to film his ride down from the Lodge to camp.  This is such a fun ride, I couldn’t imagine doing this without brakes.  Enjoy!  Happy Fourth of July everyone!