
Sunday Complete Disclosure!


ESPN had me answer some really good questions about the upcoming 2010 Sunday Complete Bike line which is scheduled to be in shops next April.  We will be offering 3 different Funday 20″ models along with a complete version of our 24″ Model C.  Look for a more thorough description of the whole line on our site in the next week or so.  In the interview, I talk about the Funday PRO bike which is not shown in the above pictures.  You’ll see it next week!  Tell your shop to check these out too!

Jon Faure Model C


This is Jon Faure in the air aboard his Model C.  He just built it up last week and is trying to sell off his other bike as we speak.  I did an interview with him about getting his Model C and the switch to it from his MTB DJ.  Plus there’s a special twist to the story.  Read the interview after the break.

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Model C Flatland Pics

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This is awesome!  Check out Dan Sirkin doing some flatland moves on his Model F….I mean Model C!  Hitchhickers, wheelchairs, steamrollers and is that a forward Rope-e-roni?  When he sent me the previous photos of his bike, he said he probably won’t do any flatland on it.  But there’s no way to resist trying out all the tricks you know on this bike.  He said “Just about anything is possible.  It definitely spins a bit slow because of the big wheels but it holds straight lines and wide circles very well.”  Now if we can just get someone to decade out of a wallride.  Sounds like a webvideo contest to me!

Model C Geometry Approved!

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The Sunday 24″ Model C was introduced at last September’s Interbike to a mix of fanfare and uncertainty.  The biggest controversy was its geometry with its much higher bottom bracket and shorter rear as compared to other 24″ cruisers available.  It took a lot to explain the ideas behind it as you might have seen in the Model C video edit in March and there’s even an FAQ about the Model C.  The goal was to make a 24″ BMX bike that could do all the tricks a 20″ could do.  Before the Model C, cruisers were race orientated and the thought of doing tricks on it didn’t really exist.  Others in the industry claimed that since they were “a former top cruiser racer” that the Model C wouldn’t work.  They basically said we didn’t know what we were doing.  Sorry to say, but we’ve been approved by riders through out the world and from companies like We the People and Fit who’ve adapted the Model C’s geometry for their cruiser completes.  It has been a great year since the last Interbike and I know it will be another great year with the introduction of our complete Sunday Model C next spring.  So, not only can you get a high end frame and fork that is required by a skilled rider, but you will also be able to get started on a 24″ without spending too much money.  Check below for some photos of the Model C since last Interbike.

Chris Hilbrich ad!

Chris Hilbrich, lettin' the hands fly on the Model D.

Chris Hilbrich, lettin' the hands fly on the Model D.

Austin’s own Chris Hilbrich graced the July 2009 Model D Sunday ad in Ride BMX.  Chris is almost fully recovered from the broken thumb he got a month ago.  He cut his cast off last Sunday and is back at it.  In the ad, he had supporting help from myself riding the Model C.  These photos were taken on the first day the Model C’s were built up.  Not too bad for the first day riding a cruiser!

Big Bike Little Place!


Here are two more photos of my Model C with green and gold colorway in action!  The barspin between the van and the U-Haul isn’t that crazy, but 180ing between the two is much different.  The photo of me holding the bike up to show how little room there was lost, but I’d say it was about an inch on either side.  You can sort of tell from the photo that there wasn’t much room.  Thanks to Zak Taylor for shooting these two photos.  Look for more Model C stuff coming soon!

Model C Randoms!

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A little while back, I received some random photos of Jim Bauer from Odyssey riding his Model C in a ditch that could be straight out of Wheels of Fire.  Most of you probably don’t know what that is, but if you had any connection to skating in the 80’s which most people did then you would know.  It happens to be my favorite skate video of all time.  Have you followed Odyssey on Twitter to see what they’re up too?

Jim C/Model C Random Photo


Here’s a photo of me barspinning the local jersey barrier in Buffalo aboard the Sunday Plus 4 Model C that I’ve been riding since last fall.  The photo was shot by Zak Taylor when Jake Seeley and the Garden team was here filming awhile back.  I’m trying to make some Sunday Wallpapers so you might see this photo along with some from the rest of the Sunday team.

Sunday Friends Model C!


Here’s a picture of Mike from Dan’s Comp‘s built up olive green Model C with matching Morning 24.1 forks and 24umph bars.  I’m digging the red chain and the green stem!  It’s really neat to see other creative colorways of the Model C.  Mike’s being a man and running brakeless!  There’s a lot of people doing that with this bike.  I’d like to see some web videos pop up of guys riding these.  Anyone????

Greyboy Model C


Here’s a photo of DJ Greyboy‘s Silver Model C built up with silver Morning 24.1 forks and 24umph bars.  He’s got quite a collection of rare and unique bikes including this bike, a sidehack and some vintage bikes that I had no idea existed.  His house is a BMX historians dream!  I think it’s time for him to do a slideshow of all his bikes.