Jake’ Emergency BroadcasterWe had a fun contest earlier to debut Jake Seeley’s new Emergency Broadcaster Bonus Bike which will be available in select shops on Saturday March 23rd. We still have two more Bonus Bikes to reveal this weekend. One Saturday and one on Sunday. Any guesses of what they might be?
  Jake Seeley tree balanceJake Seeley is always one for awkward spots including this tree balance beam set up.  If you’ve done tree rides like this then you know there is always a root, branch or knot to have to steer around making this tough to do.  Does Jake have a new Bonus Bike available for sneak peek this […]
  Lee Dennis has clips!Lee Dennis has some really good clips in the Brad Hill 2012 SD Reel video including some properly caught tailwhips and a super long rail to hard 180. Good stuff Lee!
  Jake Seeley Broadcaster BikeJake Seeley has a full bike check of his Broadcaster up on the Profile site.  Follow this LINK to get a closer look at what Jake is riding. Follow @thejakeseeley
  Alex Magallan Ride UK AdAlex Magallan is always super stylish and casual especially in his latest Ride UK ad which is featured in issue 173.  Head to your local shop or book store to pick one up.  Check out Alex’s signature complete bike after the break.
  Lone Star Left OversSeth Peterson came at you with his own style of BMX in his From the Lone Star to the North Star video a few months back. Here are some of his left over moves that didn’t quite make the cut. They’re still very awesome! Watch the original video after the break.
  Ice Green Bars & ForksWe are happy to announce that Ice Green Tall T Bars and Octave Forks are now available.  These will match the Garrett Reeves Soundwave and his Garrett Reeves EX bike.  Want to update your bike without losing the colorway?  Then check these out!  Both bars and forks come with the 41 Thermal Lifetime Guarantee.
  Music with Jake SeeleyJudging by Jake Seeley’s choice of t-shirt size, you might think he is only into hip hop, but you would be wrong. Go to Defgrip to read about some of Jake’s favorite albums.  I bet you would be surprised.  Check after the break to see Jake’s latest video and his Broadcaster BMX bike.
  Gary Young trail turndownCan Gary Young click a turndown or what?  Photo shot by Zach Carman in Blaine Mazzetti’s backyard.  Need a closer look at Gary’s Soundwave bike that he is riding?  Check after the break.
  New Sunday Headsets Available Now!The Sunday BMX integrated headset is designed to be a quality headset at an affordable price.  It offers one of the lower stack heights on the market. It’s Campagnolo standard spec. 1-1/8 integrated headset. 45º tapered bearings with 41.8mm outer diameter to fit 42mm BMX head tubes. Compatible with Odyssey GTX Gyro, GTX-R, GTX-S and Snafu Mobeus. […]
  Out the door!Yep, our much anticipate Model C 24″ frame and our first ever trail frame the Model D have left the building.  They are currently in transit with arrival time some time mid to late next week!  So you could see them in your shop in less than 10 days!  Get them ordered quick!  There has […]