ERIK ELSTRAN – SUPER COLORADO SMASHDouble-check the cartridge and get ready for a super Colorado adventure with Erik Elstran. Between playing Super Nintendo and vacationing, Erik and Rob Diquattro hit the streets of Colorado hard and put together SUPER COLORADO SMASH. Presented by Our BMX and Sunday Bikes! “I went to visit my good pal Rob DiQuattro in Denver with the basic idea of riding bikes and […]
  ERIK ELSTRAN: ‘4 REAL’ VideoErik Elstran brings us ‘4 Real’, the fourth installment in his self-filmed Selfstran series. Erik never ceases to amaze with his trick conceptualization and sky-high skill level. There’s really nothing the man can’t do! 4 Real. Video shot and edited by Erik Elstran
  BUNCH’D UP 2 VideoErik Elstran, Justin Schual, Gary Young, Jake Seeley, Brett Silva, Diego Bravo, Speedy G, Broc Raiford, Alec Siemon, Tyler Veatch, and more… all BUNCH’D UP into one mixtape! Filmed primarily in California, with additional clips from Massachusetts and Virginia. Enjoy! Edited by Scott Marceau Filmed by Zach Krejmas, Scott Marceau, Mike Mastroni, Grant Castelluzzo, Diego Bravo
  ERIK ELSTRAN – ESOTERIK'ESOTERIK' features Erik Elstran casting his mystic blend of sorcery all over Los Angeles... leaving supernatural phenomenon and spells in his wake. Some say these spots will never be the same again.
  SELFSTRAN: Jammed Sandwich ft. Erik ElstranErik Elstran is back with the third installment of his self-filmed "Selfstran" series, and what a tasty treat it is. Enjoy JAMMED SANDWICH.
  ERIK ELSTRAN – AWESOME BIKING DUDESeven minutes of amazing BMX trickery from Erik Elstran. Enjoy! Courtesy of Our BMX.
  SELFSTRAN: Making up a VideoI spent the second half of 2020 just going around by myself, 'making up a video.' Having this project gave me an intention to challenge myself in ways I wouldn’t normally and helped me stay sane. - Erik Elstran
  Erik Elstran gets Bronze in X Games Real BMXCongrats to Erik Elstran and Walter Pieringer on their 3rd place finish in this year's X Games Real BMX video competition!
  Erik Elstran / X Games Real BMX 2020Go watch Erik's Games Real BMX part right now! Great job Erik Elstran and Walter Pieringer.
  SELFSTRAN: Hometown QuarantimesShot and edited by Erik Elstran.
  Chapped Clips / In the Cut by DIGDIG BMX just posted an entertaining behind the scenes IN THE CUT video from our CHAPPED CLIPS Vegas trip. Click play and enjoy!
  Chapped Clips / Photogallery by Aaron RossWhen not riding during our Vegas trip, Aaron Ross was running around shooting pics of the crew. Click through for a bunch of pics from what would become Chapped Clips.