THREEE’S COMPANY: TOONIEFor the second installment of ‘Threee’s Company’, the trio of Julian Arteaga, Jared Duncan, and Brett Silva spend 10-days in Toronto, Canada where they make new friends, soak in the scenery, and shred everything in sight. Thank you to QBP, the locals, and all of the shops that we visited for the incredible hospitality. Enjoy! […]
  GUEST LIST 9 – JARED DUNCAN / EDDIE CUELLARGuest List 9 is now live! Featuring Sunday’s Jared Duncan, who invited the Cult Crew homie Eddie Cuellar! Enjoy! GUEST LIST is a new series presented by Full Factory Distribution. They’ll ask 1 affiliated rider from the brands they distribute to invite a non-affiliated rider for a day sesh on the private Full Factory ramps. […]
  BIKE CHECK – Jared DuncanSunday pro Jared Duncan breaks down his Sunday Darkwave setup during a recent filming mission in Southern California.
  Empire BMX – GerminateNew Empire BMX video featuring Julian Arteaga, Jared Duncan and a bunch of the homies. Enjoy!
  BUNCH’D UPJulian Arteaga, Jared Duncan, Gary Young, Ben Allen, Brioc Raiford, Brett Silva, Aaron Ross, Stone Kepler, and more... all BUNCH'D UP into one mixtape! Filmed primarily in Texas and California, with additional clips from Arizona, Albuquerque, Massachusetts, and Philly. Edited by Scott Marceau Filmed by Zach Krejmas, Julian Arteaga, Jared Duncan, Brett Silva, Sam Downs, Forrest Hawk, Tom Nguyen, Broc Raiford, and Jake Seeley.
  VIDEO – THREEE’S COMPANYThreee’s Company – Featuring Julian Arteaga, Brett Silva and Jared Duncan. Filmed in Austin, San Marcos, San Antonio, Tulsa and surrounding smaller cities. This trio stays in the van, so you know you’re in for a treat. Video by Julian and the dudes. Enjoy!
  WHOOPSNew one courtesy of Trent Lutzke and DIG BMX featuring a bunch of the crew. Enjoy!
  Jared Duncan / It’s Good 4 UJared Duncan has been working on this one for a while and it shows. Whether it's filmed on the VX, the HD cam, in Austin or out in California... watching Jared biking is GOOD 4 U!
  Julian Arteaga / Might as Well“Imagine not having to worry about a job, errands, alarms, going to school or any responsibility really. Within these two months filming with Jerry and Brett, that’s how it was, Covid put everything on lock down so we took that as a pass on all the street we wanted, so we grabbed my 2100 hopped in any car and sent it, and holy hell was it fun. There’s nothing like being out with your boys and shooting the shit while filming on some solid setups. Hope you guys enjoy.” - Julian Arteaga
  Jared Duncan / YOUREWLCOME “Staci”This video is a video that jared from right before he moved to Austin Texas. Jared is one of the best bike riders I have ever seen his ability to just move the bike however he wants is always so amazing. He is a man of many talents, and bikes is most definitely one of them! These are some of Jared's best clips that he has filmed and I was honored to have been filming and growing up with such an amazing biker rider. - YOUREWLCOME
  Chapped Clips / In the Cut by DIGDIG BMX just posted an entertaining behind the scenes IN THE CUT video from our CHAPPED CLIPS Vegas trip. Click play and enjoy!
  Chapped Clips / Photogallery by Aaron RossWhen not riding during our Vegas trip, Aaron Ross was running around shooting pics of the crew. Click through for a bunch of pics from what would become Chapped Clips.