SUNDAY vs GERMANY / DIG Territories #3Don’t let the title fool you – Sunday loves Germany. We met the raddest people, rode the sickest spots, and went 250 KPH on the Autobahn…. Really I don’t think we could have picked a better destination for our Odyssey vs Sunday victory trip and part 3 of the DIG TERRITORIES series.
  SUNDAY vs GERMANY / Dropping Tomorrow!We can't wait to drop SUNDAY VS GERMANY tomorrow.... In the meantime, check out some photos of Sunday in Germany by the ever-talented Erik Elstran.
  SUNDAY vs GERMANY / TrailerSUNDAY vs GERMANY drops 9/27/18 featuring Aaron Ross, Alec Siemon, Brett Silva, Chris Childs, Erik Elstran, Gary Young, Jake Seeley, Jared Duncan, and Julian Arteaga. In partnership with DIG BMX.
  New Full Factory RampsHit play to check out one of the first sessions on our newly re-designed ramps.
  ODYSSEY vs SUNDAY / Watch and vote now!WHICH TEAM ARE YOU WITH? Our final videos are LIVE and voting starts today! All Odyssey and Sunday team riders visited the Providence, RI house whenever they wanted, all summer long. Odyssey and Sunday each produced a video with all their best footage.You vote for your favorite video, and the team with the most votes […]
  ODYSSEYvsSUNDAY / HD TrailerTwo teams. One trip anywhere in the world. You decide.
  ODYSSEY vs SUNDAY / VX Edit #4The fourth and final ODYSSEY vs SUNDAY VX edit might be our strongest yet, and remember the best is yet to come – both teams WENT IN for their HD edits dropping this fall, and you’ll vote on those to decide which team wins a trip anywhere in the world. This month’s VX video was […]
  ODYSSEY vs SUNDAY / VX Edit #3Odyssey and Sunday are proud to present the third ODYSSEY vs SUNDAY VX edit, made entirely by our team riders in Providence, RI. This month’s video was lovingly edited by Justin Spriet and was filmed by and stars Justin, Jared Duncan, Alec Siemon, Travis Hughes, Mark Burnett, and John Mayo. You already know everybody killed […]
  ODYSSEY vs SUNDAY / VX Edit #1Odyssey and Sunday are proud to present the first of four monthly VX videos filmed and edited by our incredibly multitalented team riders while out at the Odyssey vs Sunday house.
  GROW UP / Julian Arteaga, Jared Duncan, and Alec SiemonJulian Arteaga, Jared Duncan, and Alec Siemon – Sunday’s AM squad – are some crazy talented and creative bike riders who are each pushing BMX forward in their own unique way. Julian’s smooth and refined technical prowess, Jared’s uncanny ability to look like he’s not even trying, and Alec’s unprecedented tailwhip mastery are only the […]
  Jared Duncan Bike CheckCheck out Jared Duncan’s current Street Sweeper setup. Courtesy of Francis Castro and TCU. While we’re here…
  Jared Duncan “4 The Kids”Some sweet new Jared Duncan for ya! THANKYOU!