
Garrett Interviewed!

Go read Garrett Reeve’s interview that was just posted on BMX Union.  He just got some great news from his doctor regarding his knee rehab.  Things are looking very good and he should be riding sooner than expected.  That’s great to hear.  You should rewatch his Lotek video part after the break.  It’s so worth it.

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Garrett Reeves Walls Deep

Here’s my shot of Garrett Reeves wallriding to pull out over the double kink rail during the Sunday in Tennessee trip that was covered in the most recent Dig Magazine.  Have you seen Garrett’s Lotek video?  If not then check the break for the video.  So damn good!

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Garrett Reeves/Lotek video

You really need to watch this Garrett Reeves video.  Garrett has some of the best street eyes in BMX and this video from Lotek is proof.  Not only can he find the most unique set ups, but he tends to pick some of the burliest ones as well.  Now sit back and enjoy!

Garrett Reeves update!

After watching this video, you might think Garrett Reeves has a deathwish, but no he is always doing wild moves like this. This video was shot during the filming of his upcoming Lotek video part.  If this is any indication of the moves he has planned then it will be ridiculous!

More of Garrett’s wild moves can be found in the Sunday LAX to ATX trip video.  Check the end clip!

Garrett Reeves update!

Garrett Reeves is a busy man these days.  Besides hanging out on CVS rooftops, he’s enjoying California’s weather, shooting with Jeff Z for Ride BMX and working on a video part for Lotek.  Knowing Garrett, this video part will be something you won’t want to miss!  Can’t wait!  Photo Brad Hill

Check out Garrett’s first Sunday AD!

Garrett Reeves!!!

Mike Mastroni put together this video of Garrett Reeves. It’s apparently just ‘scrap’ footage but he sure has everyone fooled. This edit has some really great clips in it!