
Alex Magallan Owned Section

How many of you have seen Alex Magallan’s Props Owned section? If not, then Props put it up on Hulu for all to watch.  Alex has the first section and you will probably use these adjectives to describe his section: fast, big, fun, stylish, classic, tech, exciting, creative and very rad.  Way to go Alex!

Sunday Megatour 10 section

Props just released our Megatour 10 section that we went on last February!  The trip was a blast and it features riding from Aaron Ross, Gary Young, Alex Magallan, Garrett Reeves, Eric Lichtenberger, Jake Seeley and former Trail Squad member Mike Gonzalez.

Check out some previous posts from the trip HERE.

Alex Meets Corey Brannan

Check out this photo of Alex hanging out with Cory Branan.  If you’ve seen Alex’s video part in the Props Owned DVD then you’ve hear Cory Brannan sing because it was the song Alex used in his video part.  Cory’s doing a show every Monday in Nashville in January, so if you’re in town go check it out.  Info right HERE.

Alex’s Owned BTS edit

Alex Magallan has been working on a full length section for the first Props Owned video since the beginning of the year. This is his intro video where he talks about the process of filming, what he likes to ride and why. There’s even a bonus section in here of tricks that weren’t good enough for the video. Alex has some high standards because this clips are sick. Can’t wait for Alex’s full section.

Megatour 10 trailer!

Here is the trailer for Megatour 10 which we went on in early March.  The trailer is really good so I can’t wait to see this.  One of the best parts is this will be available on iTunes. Good job Props!

Check out our Megatour flipbook we posted after the trip right HERE.

Alex Magallan owning

Word on the street is that Alex Magallan has been slaying some tricks that have been haunting Nashvillians for years.  He’s doing this for his upcoming Props Owned section that will be out later this year.  Get ready!  Photo Andrew White.

Alex Magallan has left Texas!

Yup, Alex Magallan is officially a snowbird.  He just flew back home to Nashville after spending the winter in the warm weather of Austin, Texas.  He made his nest on my couch for the last 3 months while working on some Sunday stuff as well as his Props Owned part.  Right before he left, he did one of the craziest things I’ve seen in awhile.  So, you’ll definitely want to check out his video part.  It was fun while he was here and I’m already excited for his next winter’s visit.  This photo was from an earlier trip session at the Round Rock Skatepark.  Style for miles!

Check out Alex’s Up, Up & Away section from 2009!

Jim Cielencki’s filmer board on Props

Props did a good article about BMX filmers and their filmer boards.  Everyone seems to have a different set up, but it’s unanimous that having a filmer board is the way to go.  Here’s a photo of mine that I got at the Sunday Skate shop in Buffalo.  To read more about my set up then just follow this LINK.

My board was used extensively on Megatour 10, check out our flipbook from the trip.