Let’s do a 24″ edition of Sunday Friends. This is Bunky Dunn’s Black Magic Wave C build which was featured on PSBMX. How solid does his bike look? Follow this LINK to see what else is on Bunky’s bike. How many handrail photos do you see on a 24″? Not many, but here is Bunky doing the famous Atlanta rail.
Sunday Friends:
Sunday Friends:
Daniil’s Custom Wave C
Last week, we posted a Sunday Friends of Daniil Andreyevich’s Wave C frame which had custom artwork by Tori Madisyn. Since then, Daniil has built up the frame into this amazing ride. This might be the coolest 24″ BMX ever made? Check below to see more images of his bike.
Need to get on a 24″ BMX? Then check out the 2014 Model C right HERE.
How wild is this custom Wave C?
This is our first Sunday Friends frame edition. We’ve always been a brand for people who like to be creative, so it wasn’t a shock that Daniil Andreyevich painted his Wave C 24″ BMX this way. Actually, he had artist, Tori Madisyn, give it this amazing paint job. We aren’t even sure we would put this bike back together because it’s so rad looking. Here’s a full side shot of the frame.
Gonz riding a Sunday 24″
Mark Gonzales is serious one of the most influential skateboarders of all time. His friend wrote about getting him a 24″ Wave C and it was without hesitation that we sent him one. He is definitely a character which probably explains why he was he was the first to do a handrail. Check out the Model C 24″ Complete Bike HERE. Video via Vice.
24″ BMX Flatland!
When we started making 24″ BMX bikes, it wasn’t to have a “cruiser” model, we wanted to push the limits of what could be done on a 24″. When you learned how to grind handrails on a 20″ BMX, you would naturally take it to longer, steeper, taller or more unique rails. You basically just changed the object you did the trick on. With the 24″, you took a trick you knew and instead of changing the object you did it on, you changed the bike itself. Two Four Flat 5 is just an extension of that idea into flatland. Instead of a bigger handrail, they are doing hitchhikers, backpackers and wheel chairs on the Wave C 24″ bikes. So very rad!
24″ BMX Flatland?
It’s not all the time you get to see some guys riding flatland on the Wave C 24″ BMX bikes. Unfortunately, this is just a teaser for Two Four Flat 5, so we will have to wait for the full length video to drop. To be announced, I guess. Watch their previous Wave C video below.
Visual How-To:
Chain Tensioners

Sunday Bikes has offered chain tensioners built into our hollow dropouts on select frames since 2007. Currently, it’s offered on the Soundwave, Funday 2.1 and Wave C frame. The system is really simple and will hold your wheel in place. During the filming of our Up, Up and Away video, Jake Seeley was having hub issues and rode a 10 day trip with his wheel barely tight. The chain tensioners were able to prevent his wheel from moving even though the axle was not fully tighten down. Here is a brief explanation of how they work.
Top 3 on Cruiser Revolution
Once again we’ve made it into the top 3 posts viewed on a BMX site for 2012. This time it was Jim C’s Model C photos, Jon Faure’s Mega Ramp jump and the Two Four Flat Crew’s flatland videos that put us at the top of Cruiser Revolution. Check out the full post at this LINK.
Two Four Flat 4.5
The Two Four Flat crew is at it again! This one is a bike check with Danny Sirkin and then even more flatland with Prasheel Gopal and Mark Kuhlmann. These guys do bar flips, cliffhangers and backpacker whips on the 24″ Model C bikes. Check out more info on our 24″ stuff after the break.
Two Flat Four
When we said our 24″ cruiser bikes could ride anything, we definitely meant it. Joe Cicman and Danny Sirkin take 24″ cruisers into a flatland direction with their video entitled Two Flat Four. You have to be quite tall to do a deathtruck on a 24″, but this video proves it to be possible. Check out our 24″ Model C AM complete after the break.