Model C Bonus Bike!Surprise! As we’ve done in the past, we have once again brought in a Limited Edition Bonus Bike to compliment our standard 2019 line of completes. This time it’s our popular Model C in this classic red and black colorway which looks great. There are only 50 of these in the USA, so reach out to your local shop or favorite mailorder to lock one down ASAP.
  Model C’s Back in Stock!Here’s some super good news if you live in the USA and have been looking to get our 2014 Model C Complete Bike.  We just received a new shipment at Full Factory and they are ready to ship to  dealers. Have your local bike shop call Full Factory today because the raddest 24″ complete in BMX already sold out […]
  Bikes back in stock!Have you been looking for a Primer 16, Primer 18, Soundwave Special or Model C complete bike?  If you’re in the USA then chances are you haven’t been able to find one because we’ve been out of stock?  Well, wait no longer because they are all back in stock.  Dealers please get ahold of Full […]
  24″ BMX Flatland!When we started making 24″ BMX bikes, it wasn’t to have a “cruiser” model, we wanted to push the limits of what could be done on a 24″. When you learned how to grind handrails on a 20″ BMX, you would naturally take it to longer, steeper, taller or more unique rails. You basically just […]
  Top 3 on Cruiser RevolutionOnce again we’ve made it into the top 3 posts viewed on a BMX site for 2012.  This time it was Jim C’s Model C photos, Jon Faure’s Mega Ramp jump and the Two Four Flat Crew’s flatland videos that put us at the top of Cruiser Revolution.  Check out the full post at this […]
  Two Four Flat 4.5The Two Four Flat crew is at it again!  This one is a bike check with Danny Sirkin and then even more flatland with Prasheel Gopal and Mark Kuhlmann.  These guys do bar flips, cliffhangers and backpacker whips on the 24″ Model C bikes.  Check out more info on our 24″ stuff after the break.
  Two Flat FourWhen we said our 24″ cruiser bikes could ride anything, we definitely meant it.  Joe Cicman and Danny Sirkin take 24″ cruisers into a flatland direction with their video entitled Two Flat Four.  You have to be quite tall to do a deathtruck on a 24″, but this video proves it to be possible. Check out our 24″ […]
  24 inches high & risingHave you ridden this thing at House Park in Austin?  You have to take off early and pull out far enough to clear the bars on either side.  It also narrows and goes over-vert.  Our 24″ bikes aren’t just for cruising, you can actually take it to tough places like this.  Model C complete bikes […]
  24″ Wave C Radness!The skatestopper at the bottom only made this tranny wall carve that much more interesting.  Wave C cruiser carve through the narrow spot and hop over the stopper by Jim Cielencki.  Learn more about our 24″ bikes after the break.
  Sunday Friends: Aurelian OlteanuToday’s Sunday Friends comes from Cologne, Germany and it features Aurelian Olteanu’s very awesome Model C.  This the original Model C frame that took some time to customize, but judging by the looks it is well worth the wait.  Great looking bike Aurelian!  Check after the break to see our latest Model C complete bike […]
  2013 Completes Preview on DefgripDefgrip is now previewing our new 2013 Complete Bikes.  Aaron Ross and Gary Young have full lines while Eric Lichtenberger, Jake Seeley, Garrett Reeves and Alex Magallan all have their own signature bikes.  The new 16″ Lil Spark is scaled down exactly from a 20″ just like we did for the 24″ BMX with the […]
  Jon Faure How ToJon Faure is at it again.  Remember the Mega Ramp nosewheelie photo from a few weeks ago?  Well, Jon was working on the latest enstallment of his video series entitled How to Ride a Mega Ramp When You Suck!  There’s not too many Mega Ramp How-To’s available, so Jon takes you through some of the […]