Okay, so there have been a lot of questions asked and rightfully so. Here is a FAQ list which should answer a lot of the questions, but if there is some more than comment and I will try and respond in the comment section.
How much will it cost?Frame and Bars?
The frames should cost the same as a normal high end Taiwan frame, I am doing the best I can to keep the costs affordable, but still retain the quality. The bars should be available some where in the next 7-10 days. They are currently on their way to the distributors and only the Color and Triumph bars will be available. There is a medium bar being tested at the moment and should be coming by the first of the year.
Where can you get them?
All the products will be available at any BMX bike shop or mailorder. Basically where any good BMX stuff is sold
When are they coming out?
The frames are currently in the first prototype stage, so it might be a bit before they come out. There is one more prototype to be made before I can go into production. My best estimates have them coming out before spring time. Sorry I don’t think they will be available for Christmas.
Who are your distributors?
US-Blackout Distribution, www.blackoutdistribution.com/ CANADA-Ryder Distribution, www.ryderbmx.com / ENGLAND-Seventies, www.seventies.co.uk / AUSTRALIA-BMX International, kbarling@bmxinternational.com.au / GERMANY-Sport Import, bhellwig@sportimport.de / JAPAN- Motocross International, motocross@popll.odn.ne.jp
What are the sizes? Any random sizes?
Right now the idea is to have 2 frames based around rear end length. One is 13.75in while the other is to be 14.25in. Then there will be a number of top tube lengths. There is going to be a 20, 20.5 and 21 in the 13.75in rear end. Then there is a 20.5 and a 21 in the 14.25in rear end. My plan is to be adaptive, so there will be some random sizes made from under 20, the inbetween sizes and an over 21. I just need to get the frames dialed before I start making all the other sizes, but who knows.
How will the Gyro tabs be mounted?
Since I do a bike shop, I realize how difficult it is to order a frame because there are so many different frame options. From the 4 types of bottom brackets to where the brake mounts are, there are so many options that it makes owning a shop a nightmare. My whole plan is to eliminate one choice by offering removable gyro tabs just like the tabs on the Kink Frontloader stem. The stem’s tabs has been modified by a number of frame companies to create removable gyro tabs.
What is the weight of the frame?
The prototypes are weighing in at around 5.5 pounds. The newer prototypes should be a little less, but if you can’t lift on extra ounce, you might want to rethink riding. And if you are a little kid the size you are riding will be way less than 5.5 pounds.
What are the colors going to be?
What a tough question, it is funny how everyone is all over the place with what colors they like. But this is good because there is something for everyone. I am not sure at the moment what the colors will be. Just keep talking about what color you like and it might get done.
What is the warranty on frames?
Even more tough questions, as of the moment the warranty is still in great debate. I will let you know what it will be when as soon as I can.
Can you give us some dropout details?
It would be great to be able to tell the details or maybe show a side profile of the dropout, but do you know how fast the BMX industry takes to corrupt and copy ideas? Well, if you are a certain company, it only takes 2 weeks!
How are your Wombolts doing so far?
So far so good, but it has only been a week. They slide well on crankslides and I can actually kickflip again.
How does a gusset overheat?
I have no idea what you are talking about?