Estonia for the 2nd time! Part 1

This is my first update from my trip to the 2007 Simpel Session held in Tallinn, Estonia. Up until last year, I only had a vague idea of where this place was located. My imagination had me thinking of the far north hovering near the Arctic circle! Wind driven snow and biting temperatures is what I prepared for, but to my surprise the weather is just as good as back home. I know you are thinking, wait your from Buffalo and the weather is never good there? Not this year, the winter has been fantastic for us!

Here is the plane that I took from Chicago to Stockholm Sweden. Even though I have been riding for so long, I am still a fan. Joe Rich, Dave Osato and Danny Hickerson were on my flight. Can anyone tell my how many variations Joe Rich did on the sub-rail in Baco 8?

The Stockholm airport doesn’t look anything like your average US airport. Kinda looks like you could fly out of an Ikea doesn’t it? I guess it should look like this since Ikea is out of Sweden.

The first is from the runway in Stockholm and the second is right after take off! Window seats are the best! Click the second one to view.

This is what I see when I look out my window. This directly across from my window, I know what I am doing in the morning. Rain or shine?

Last year I got a bunch of random photos of heroin junkies as billboard ads. This was taken from a newspaper. Thought it was funny!