Another Ride cover?
Yep, Eric Lichtenberger got the cover of the December Ride US! You might remember Eric’s bike checkout in a previous update and if not just scroll down to the middle of September. Eric’s 180ing over the wall, below the bar and between the uprights. Looks like he did it pretty casual too because there isn’t any marks on his shirt or arm. This marks the 2nd Sunday on a Ride cover in 4 issues. Do you remember Kurt Rasmusson’s giant 180 on the September cover?
Here are some photos of Karl Poynter’s new shop location. Looks really modern and clean, if you’re going by New Castle, IN then stop there. Check out more of his updates here. Also, if you want to see him ride in person and you are in Florida then stop by the BACO Jam at Mesh Skatepark October 26th-28th.