Black Wave!
At Interbike we had on display the lightest Sunday frame that we have ever done. I dubbed it the Black Magic on one of the web videos, but I just called it the Black Wave above. It weighed in at just over 4.5 lbs or 4lbs 8ozs. Basically this frame is the same as new frame with a few differences.
First, there’s NO paint on this frame. The black coating is the rustproof coating that has been on every frame we have offered. From the first frame in 2005 to the Wave last year, the rustproofing has been there. It is the black stuff that’s inside the frame tubes and under the paint that makes your frame really difficult to strip. Paint has some weight to it, the frame with paint weights a little over a quarter pound more than the BLACK WAVE/BLACK MAGIC.
The second major feature of this frame is the shaved headtube. The headtube has NOT changed in length or height at all, so your geometry is not different at all. The difference is the upper part of the ‘cup’ has been removed as shown in the left and center photos above. The 45 degree angles on the headtube are still there, but the upper part has been removed. The headtube shaving ends up revealing the bearings as seen in the photo on the right. This isn’t drastic weight savings just helping to eliminate excess material on the frame.
There you go, the inside info on the ‘Black Magic/Wave’ frame. It will be offer in 20.5, 20.75, 21 and 21.25 along with brake and brakeless options. Ian Schwartz’s frame will also come in Black Magic/Wave style. Look for them in February or March, I can’t give you and exact date. Next up Ian Schwartz’s frame. Leave any questions in the comments and I’ll get to them!