Vinnie Bar Review!
Here’s a review of the Vinnie Bars from the only other person that has been riding them. No idea who the mystery tester is because he walked off with them during Interbike last fall. Not that I condone stealing from the Sunday booth, but this was just too funny to pass up. The bars are available NOW…….
Anonymous said…
Here we go last summer at interbike i took the vinnie sunday bars and it was pretty easy to take them, pretty much every body there was busy doing something or talking to other pros and there were tons of people all over the place and everybody at sunday was busy showing them all there new products so there was a big group of people at that time and then i just walked off with them but im pretty sure tons of stuff got stolen by others. well heres the review.
First i was riding the sunday triumphs and my bar spins were on and off but when i put on the vinne bars they really got a lot better, the one thing that i really like about them is that they feel just like your riding triumphs but at the same time your the bars feel smaller because of the box size, it really makes i difference,the rise also makes them feel like a big bar to,i like them better than the standard 8″ rise . Second they are still very strong as like every other sunday product, the bars has been pretty banged up and still are perfect, not bent at all and the paint on them is harder to chip it seems like. all in all any one who is planning on getting these bars i say do so, they are great and feel very nice and look even better and are very strong plus you got a life time warranty you really cant go wrong. Jim i also love my brakeless wave frame you really have some of the best products out there in bmx. thanks Sunday bikes and Jim Cielencki.