Alex Magallan’s Forecaster

Alex Magallan decided to change some things up on his bike, so he put together this 21″ purple Forecaster with matching Morning 2.1 forks and chrome Tall T bars.  He was looking to add some length to the front of his bike, so he made the jump from a 20.75″ to the 21″.  He also quickly adapted to the Forecaster’s 75 degree headtube angle.  Check out his complete parts list after the break and take a peek at his previous bike check.

Alex in the Emerald video.

Frame: Sunday Forecaster 21″
Fork: Sunday Morning 2.1
Bars: Sunday Tall T
Stem:  Odyssey front load (flipped)
Grips: ODI longnecks
Barends:  Sunday plugs
Headset:  Odyssey sealed
Seatpost Clamp: Sunday purple
Cranks: Odyssey Twombolt 175mm
Sprocket: Odyssey Burlington 27t
Chain: Odyssey Bluebird
Front Tire: Odyssey AITKEN plyte 20×2.25
Front Wheel: Proper rim Profile Totem hub 36h
Rear Tire: Odyssey A.ROSS 20×2.10
Rear Wheel: Odyssey 7ka rim Profile Totem hub 9t driver 36h
Pedals: Odyssey trail mix unsealed
Brake:  Proper
Brake Cable:  Odyssey Quick Slic- all in one cable
Brake Lever:  Odyssey Monolever medium
Hub Guard:  Vintage Profile
Pegs: Hoffman curtiousy of Shane Weston
Modifications:  Cut the knob off the lever brake cable is the new Odyssey one peice built in straddle cable
Thanks: Jim Cielencki at Sunday Bikes, Jim Bauer, Bobby Parker at Full Factory, all the dudes at ODSY and Matt Coplon at Profile