Hipstomatic Flipbook: Kona/Atlanta

Mike Gonzalez and I took off last weekend to ride street and parks in Atlanta as well as stop at one of America’s oldest skateparks, Kona, in Jacksonville, Florida.  It was a long drive to Kona, but it was nevertheless worth it.  I hadn’t been there since the CFB contest there over 10 years ago, so it was really nice to go back there.  Mike had never been there so it was a completely new experience for him.  Old school snake runs, very messed up cement quarterpipes and an even scarier concrete halfpipe made for a fun day. The pool that I loved on Roadfools 7 was changed, but it was still fun.  If you’re ever in north Florida and want to ride a classic park then go there.  After Kona, we headed up to Atlanta where we met up with Alex Magallan and Andrew White. Traveling is a lot of fun.