Logan Beyhl Conductor
Logan Beyhl can be found on the phones at Full Factory and at the trails on this Black Magic Sunday Conductor. Black Magic frame with Odyssey matte kelly green parts kit looks amazing!
The Conductor is built for high speed riding in particular trails and concrete parks. Check out the specs HERE.
Frame: Sunday Conductor 21.25” TT
Fork: Sunday Morning 2.1
Bars: Sunday Tall-T
Stem: Sunday OEM Stem
Grips: Odyssey Adam Banton 2
Lever: Odyssey Monolever Medium
Brake Cable: Odyssey SLS
Brakes: Odyssey Evo 2
Cranks: Odyssey Twombolt
Rims: Odyssey Hazard Lite
Rear Hub: Odyssey V3 Cassette 11T
Front Hub: Odyssey Vandero 2
Sprocket: Tree 35T Sprocket
Valve Caps: OMP 40’s Valve Stem Caps
Bottom Bracket: Odyssey BB
Pedals: Odyssey Trail Mix
Seat Post: Odyssey Convertible Post
Tires: Odyssey Mike Aitken Sean (lots of miles)
Special Mods: Bent my brake lever for a better feel, Aimee Mac Sticker, Trail Grime
Thanks: Everyone at Odyssey and Sunday, Everyone who digs, Everyone who rides, The ladies, Hershal, Digger, Ma and Pa!