
Sunday Friends Model C!


Here’s a picture of Mike from Dan’s Comp‘s built up olive green Model C with matching Morning 24.1 forks and 24umph bars.  I’m digging the red chain and the green stem!  It’s really neat to see other creative colorways of the Model C.  Mike’s being a man and running brakeless!  There’s a lot of people doing that with this bike.  I’d like to see some web videos pop up of guys riding these.  Anyone????

Lasts-Alex Magallan


Alex Magallan‘s high speed and in control video part in Up, Up and Away stood out.  Here are a few things you might not know about him.

Last name_________________________Magallan
Last birth date_____________________13th of august, the year was 1987
Last night_________________________Choice
Last spring________________________Gorgeous
Last Winter________________________Limited
Last shirt you bought_________________Maroon vintage button down
Last vehicle you bought_______________Never
Last person you called________________Jade in Buffalo
Last person that called you_______________Jim C
Last thing you bought_________________Tough D- sandwich from the corner deli
Last book you read____________________James and the Giant Peach! lol
Last movie you watched_________________Transformers
Last Song you shazammed______________Not equipped with the Shazam joint
Last Music show you went to_____________My Opusihsus
Last BMX trip you went on______________North east banger
Last Non-BMX trip you went on__________Savannah GA
Last thing you ate____________________Chicken bacon sandwich
Last website you checked_______________Gmail
Last time you got sick_________________Couple months ago
Last time you got a flat________________2 days ago
Last time you did a backflip_____________In my dreams
Last time you ran out of gas_____________last week
Last flavor of ice cream you bought________Key lime
Last time you rode more than 5 miles_______In philly two days ago
Last box jump trick you did__________Kickout! i witness Jake do a couple wet flounders
Last rail trick you did_________________Double peg
Last wall ride trick you did_____________The Carve
Last manual line you did______________Manual to over tooth down a rail at a park
Last crash you had___________________Tire slide out on a pivot
Last bike part you broke_______________Mostly tubes
Any lasts  I missed___________________That wraps it up

Greyboy Model C


Here’s a photo of DJ Greyboy‘s Silver Model C built up with silver Morning 24.1 forks and 24umph bars.  He’s got quite a collection of rare and unique bikes including this bike, a sidehack and some vintage bikes that I had no idea existed.  His house is a BMX historians dream!  I think it’s time for him to do a slideshow of all his bikes.

Up, Up and Away in the UK


Up, Up and Away, Sunday’s first full length video has made it over to the UK.  This photo is straight off of IMG‘s website, so if you live in the UK then wait no longer.  Have your shop give IMG a call to order!  You won’t want to miss Ian’s part alone!

Craig Passero/AOTC Filming Trip

Check out this edit of Craig Passero and a few of the AOTC guys from a recent filming trip down to Baltimore and Philadelphia.  Craig went under the knife last week to fix his knee.  He should be back tearing up anything in his way by late September.  If you haven’t seen his part or the rest of the guys in the AOTC video then you can get it at any of these places.

Timeless BMX in Boston
Eastern Border

Sunday Friends Model C

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Tim Sage sent me these photos of his super good looking 21.75 olive green Sunday Model C built up with Black Magic Morning 24.1 forks and 24umph bars!  He took it to his trails and said “I took it out yesterday and I am amazed by the way the bike rides compared to my old cruiser.”  Seeing is believing!  I’ve often put the bike in a person’s hands so they can test it out because I can guarantee that they haven’t ridden anything like the Model C before.

Up, Up and Away review!

Up Up And Away!!!

ESPN did a review on Sunday’s first video Up, Up and Away!  The second to last paragraph best describes everything going on with Sunday.  If you didn’t know it’s available right now everywhere and in our online store!

Alex Magallan on ESPN


Alex Magallan has a bunch of really good photos in a Nashville photo gallery article up on the ESPN site.  All photos are shot by Andrew White.  In other Alex news, he is down in Tampa for a little while hanging out and riding when it isn’t too hot out down there.

Jim Cielencki Bike Check


Here is the Fluorange Funday I just built up to try out some new dimensions.  I’ve been riding the my 24″ Model C for 2 months now and it was time to change it up and ride a 20 for a little while.  I put together the Funday because of its 13.5 rear end length and the 11.5 inch bottom bracket height.  The idea is that the lower bb will keep the bike stable and not too loopy while still allowing it to tailwhip and spin better.  I grew up riding long rear end frames so having something this short is foreign to me.  Hopefully the lower bb will counter act the short rear end.  If not then its back to the Second Wave.  I’ll update you over the next few weeks.  Here’s my parts list below.

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