Aaron Ross and Seth Peterson have a whole bunch of clips in this Austin Scene Report video up on ESPN. The video is really fun so check it out.
Aaron Ross Whip In
Check out Aaron Ross tailwhipping into this ledge. This was shot during our Canadian Vacation trip last summer. Aaron and Lee Dennis both did tailwhips into this ledge in a train in the same video. Go watch the Canadian Vacation video after the break. Photo Trent Barker
Aaron and Garrett Make Top 10
Huge congrats go out to Aaron Ross and Garrett Reeves for making it in the The Come Up’s Top 10 video Parts of 2012. Aaron received 8th place with his Empire Bad Idea section. Garrett took 5th place with his Sunday Interview video that came out in August. Aaron’s video isn’t online right now, but Garrett’s is, so rewatch it after the break. Way to go guys!
Gary Young over ices the moon
Do you know how hard it is to do an over-icepick in 1/6th the gravity compared to the Earth? Somehow Gary Young is able to adapt to the lower gravity and lack of oxygen to get the trick done. Unfortunately, Gary’s not on the moon, but he is somewhere in the middle of nowhere Argentina riding what could easily be the moon. Looks like the trip of a lifetime if you ask me. What would the PSI rating of a tire be on the moon? Photo stolen from Aaron Ross’ Instagram page. Follow him and Gary at @theaaronross and @garybyoung.
2012 Holiday Collection Lookbook
Ride BMX is showing our new 2012 Holiday Lookbook on their site right now. Follow this LINK to see our new backpack, wallets, hats, beanies, tees and hoodies. Hit up your local bike shop, favorite mail order or the Sunday Webstore to get your hands on this stuff.
Aaron Ross interview on BMX Union
Aaron Ross has an interesting interview in the Through The Lens section of BMX Union today. He discusses his experiences while shooting photos in BMX. Follow this LINK to read the interview.
More Aaron:
Canadian Vacation | Vapor Blue PRO | Fun Fun Fun Fest
Canadian Vacation on Vimeo
We just released our Canadian Vacation video for viewing and downloading on our Vimeo page, so follow this LINK to get it.
Sunday at FFF
Ride BMX just posted their video from Ride The Plank at Fun Fun Fun Fest on their site today. Sunday flow and team riders like Aaron Ross, TJ Henderson, Will Blount, Cory Foust, Kris Marcum,Chris Hilbrich, Bobby Delaat and Jim Cielencki are heavily featured in the video. This was a great weekend with the best backyard type ramp set up.
Canadian Vacation!
We took our second vacation of the year in Canada and it’s wonderful city of Toronto. Aaron Ross, Alex Magallan, Lee Dennis, Garrett Reeves, Jake Seeley and Erik Elstran spent over a week visiting bike shops, riding skateparks and hitting up various street spots. Just want to say thank you to Ryder Distribution, Momentum Cycles, The Bike Zone, Bay Cycle and Backpeddling Bike Shop for the good time and hospitality. Let’s do this again!
Canadian Vacation
Our Canadian Vacation trip video went up yesterday and today we are posting some random disposable camera shots from the trip. Garrett Reeves looks like such a badass in the first photo. Hitting your mouth on your crossbar is never fun. After clicking through the photos, watch the Canadian Vacation video by clicking more.