BUNCH’D UP 2 VideoErik Elstran, Justin Schual, Gary Young, Jake Seeley, Brett Silva, Diego Bravo, Speedy G, Broc Raiford, Alec Siemon, Tyler Veatch, and more… all BUNCH’D UP into one mixtape! Filmed primarily in California, with additional clips from Massachusetts and Virginia. Enjoy! Edited by Scott Marceau Filmed by Zach Krejmas, Scott Marceau, Mike Mastroni, Grant Castelluzzo, Diego Bravo
BUNCH’D UPJulian Arteaga, Jared Duncan, Gary Young, Ben Allen, Brioc Raiford, Brett Silva, Aaron Ross, Stone Kepler, and more... all BUNCH'D UP into one mixtape! Filmed primarily in Texas and California, with additional clips from Arizona, Albuquerque, Massachusetts, and Philly. Edited by Scott Marceau Filmed by Zach Krejmas, Julian Arteaga, Jared Duncan, Brett Silva, Sam Downs, Forrest Hawk, Tom Nguyen, Broc Raiford, and Jake Seeley.