Chris Hilbrich ad!Austin’s own Chris Hilbrich graced the July 2009 Model D Sunday ad in Ride BMX.  Chris is almost fully recovered from the broken thumb he got a month ago.  He cut his cast off last Sunday and is back at it.  In the ad, he had supporting help from myself riding the Model C.  These […]
  Black Magic Model C and D!Check out Ben Ward‘s Black Magic Model C built up with Black Magic 24umphs and Morning 24.1 forks.  Wow!  This looks so good!  And with this being a 24″ frame with Black Magic then it weigh over a 1/4 lb less than a painted version.  If you are looking for a Model C or our […]
  Big Bike Little Place!Here are two more photos of my Model C with green and gold colorway in action!  The barspin between the van and the U-Haul isn’t that crazy, but 180ing between the two is much different.  The photo of me holding the bike up to show how little room there was lost, but I’d say it […]
  Model C Randoms!A little while back, I received some random photos of Jim Bauer from Odyssey riding his Model C in a ditch that could be straight out of Wheels of Fire.  Most of you probably don’t know what that is, but if you had any connection to skating in the 80’s which most people did then […]
  Jim C/Model C Random PhotoHere’s a photo of me barspinning the local jersey barrier in Buffalo aboard the Sunday Plus 4 Model C that I’ve been riding since last fall.  The photo was shot by Zak Taylor when Jake Seeley and the Garden team was here filming awhile back.  I’m trying to make some Sunday Wallpapers so you might […]
  Sunday Friends Model C!Here’s a picture of Mike from Dan’s Comp‘s built up olive green Model C with matching Morning 24.1 forks and 24umph bars.  I’m digging the red chain and the green stem!  It’s really neat to see other creative colorways of the Model C.  Mike’s being a man and running brakeless!  There’s a lot of people […]
  Greyboy Model CHere’s a photo of DJ Greyboy‘s Silver Model C built up with silver Morning 24.1 forks and 24umph bars.  He’s got quite a collection of rare and unique bikes including this bike, a sidehack and some vintage bikes that I had no idea existed.  His house is a BMX historians dream!  I think it’s time […]
  Sunday Friends Model CTim Sage sent me these photos of his super good looking 21.75 olive green Sunday Model C built up with Black Magic Morning 24.1 forks and 24umph bars!  He took it to his trails and said “I took it out yesterday and I am amazed by the way the bike rides compared to my old […]
  Limited Black Magic Model C and D’sIn the days when limited edition doesn’t really mean much, these Model C‘s and Model D‘s are actually very limited.  So limited that we can’t even go through our distributors for this..  These look too good in Black Magic to last very long in shops.  So, if you want one I would have your shop […]
  Sunday Friends Model C edition!Check out some good looking Sunday Plus 4 Model C’s built up.  The silver one is Brody Rutledge‘s from Ontario and the self painted black one is Bill Sympson‘s.  I’m really excited on these builds.  Look for more Model C stuff later this week.
  Stickies and CloseoutsWe just got done adding sticker packs and closeouts into the store. You can now buy replacement sticker packs for just about all of our frames!
  New Dig and Sunday!Sunday has some good stuff in Dig issue 71.  You can see Lee Dennis featured in the New Day Rising article.  Check out this link to see some clips from Lee’s interview.  There’s a good photo of Alex Magallan in the Leland Thurman article.  Chris Hilbrich and I are featured in the Sunday ad.  He’s […]