Model C action!A few posts back, we showed some photos of some Model C and Model D prototypes that arrived at the office.  Jim Bauer is one of the lucky ones who gets to build one up.  Here’s two photos of him riding at the DVS warehouse a last night.  One and Two.  I’m sure with Jim […]
  Model C and D Samples!
  Cruiser blast!A few days ago, I was riding back from watching the Sabres game when I happened upon this random construction pile of mess. These spots are the best because they only last for a short period so you have to make use of them right away. It was cold as hell outside, not sure how […]
  Crusier rail photos!Here are a few photos of me riding the Model-C right after Interbike. I couldn’t run them without getting into trouble, but now I don’t have to worry about that anymore! Look for an update release date for all the new 2009 frames.
  More Model-C questions and random photos!Okay, here is a few more random photos that I just found from the weekend I built up my Model-C. It was fun just dorking around on it and it was even more fun when you realized everything was possible on it. Just a few more questions. 1) If you had to choose 2 top […]
  More Model-C pics!Here’s a few more photos of the Model-C‘s built up. Nothing too detailed, but you should be able to see the frame, fork and bars a little more. Action photos taken by Ron Plumlee.
  Sunday Model-CSo, Interbike has come and go for another year. Thankfully it will be another year before we do it all again and unfortunately its only a year before we have to do it again. Either way I wanted to take this week and talk about some of the products we showed at our booth. New […]